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Chapter 1 Overview

Article 1.
These Terms define the requirements and processes necessary to access all services provided by the National Museum Cultural Foundation, hereafter referred to as the FOUNDATION, the rights of the users and the foundation's websites, duties, responsibilities, and miscellanea with regards to the website
Article 2. Effects and Amendments
  • 1. These terms will be made available on the website or in print, or in other forms of appropriate media, and the terms take effect when the member agrees.
  • 2. The foundation's websites may change the terms without prior warning, and the new terms of service will be made available to members through the website or through e-mail. The new terms of service will take effect immediately upon being made available
  • 3. If the user does not agree to the changed terms of service, the user may cancel their membership (cancellation of account), and continued use will constitute agreement to the new terms of service.
Article 3. Additional Terms and Conditions
Matters that are not specified in the Terms of Service shall be governed by relevant Korean laws, regulations, guidelines, standards, and/or general practices.
Article 4. Definitions
The definitions of the terminology used in the Terms of Service are as follows:
  • 1. The USER is an individual that receives the services provided by the foundation's websites.
  • 2. The FOUNDATION’S WEBSITES refer to the domains,, and
  • 3. REGISTRATION is the act of filling out the membership registration form provided on the foundation's websites, agreement to the Terms of Service, and completing the contract for the use of services.
  • 4. MEMBERS are individuals who have completed membership registration by providing personal data to the foundation's websites, who are therefore able to use the services provided by the website operated by the website.
  • 5. The PASSWORD is a combination of characters and numbers chosen by the user for the purposes of determining whether the User ID belongs to the user, and to protect the user’s online privacy.
  • 6. DELETION OF ACCOUNT refers to the termination of the contract for the use of services

Chapter 2. Provision and Use of Services

Article 5. Establishment of Contract for Use of Services
  • 1. The contract for the use of services is established when the user provides the information as required by the registration form on the foundation's websites.
  • 2. The foundation's websites may decline or terminate membership for the following reasons:
    • A. The user did not provide his/her legal name
    • B. The information provided during registration is falsified.
    • C. Interfering in other people’s use of the foundation's websites or stealing personal data.
    • D. If the user violates the Terms of Service or laws through the use of the foundation's websites.
    • E. Inability to meet any other requirements to use the foundation's websites.
Article 6. (Changes to Personal Information)
  • 1. If any personal data changes after a member registers, the member must personally change it on the website.
  • 2. The foundation is not responsible for any damages resulting from failure to comply with the previous clause.
Article 7. Deletion or Termination of Member Account
  • 1. Members may request deletion of their account at any time, and the foundation will comply immediately barring special circumstances in which the deletion of account. must be denied pursuant to relevant laws.
  • 2. If a member cancels their membership, the member’s personal data is deleted immediately. Once the information is deleted, the former member may not demand that it be restored.
  • 3. The foundation may limit or terminate membership for any of the following reasons.
    • A. Use of falsified information in registration
    • B. Involvement in criminal activity
    • C. Theft of user ID and password of another member
    • D. Intentional disruption of website operations
    • E. Registration of multiple User IDs by a single individual
    • F. Dissemination of content that disrupt public order or violate common decency.
    • G. Causing defamation or harm to others
Article 8. Provision of Services
Membership is free, and members are eligible for the following services
  • 1. The foundation provides a unified membership account service that allows the use of the websites,, and once a user registers at any of the aforementioned websites. However, services such as reserving tickets for performances are only accessible through Services such as online purchasing of cultural goods are only accessible through
  • 2. Members may use the forums on the foundation's websites or the limited search function.
  • 3. The foundation may provide discounts to members for any services provided by the foundation, depending on the financial situation of the foundation. In this case, the foundation must announce the discounts provided to members on the foundation's websites.
  • 4. The foundation will provide promotional information on performances and events on both a regular and non-regular basis through e-mails and SMS to members that have agreed to receive promotional information.
Article 9. Termination of Services
If a user is found to have violated the Terms of Service, the foundation's websites may, at its discretion, limit or terminate access to the services.
Provision 10. (Change or Cancellation of Services
  • 1.The foundation is not responsible for any financial damage incurred by the user through the use of the services in expectance of financial gain or through the use of any information gained from the foundation's websites. The foundation is also not responsible for the information, documents, and the trustworthiness or accuracy of facts that members disseminate through the services.
  • 2. The foundation's websites are not responsible for any damages to the member that are the result of deliberate actions or fault of the member.

Chapter 3. Responsibilities and Obligations

Article 11. The Obligations of the Foundation
  • 1.The foundation will provide the Terms of Service, name of the foundation and representative, address (including an address that can process consumer complaints), telephone number, e-mail address, business registration number, mail order business number, privacy officer on the initial page of the foundation's websites. The terms of service may be accessible through a link on the website.
  • 2. The foundation will not take actions that are illegal or the Terms of Service, or actions that disrupt public order. The foundation will commite to the continued and stable provision of services in accordance to the Terms of Service.
  • 3. The foundation will immediately process any complaints and grievances expressed by members, should such complaints and grievances be found just.
Article 12 The Duties of Members
  • 1. Members must adhere to the requirements outlined by the foundation including relevant laws, the Terms of Service, and guidelines.
  • 2. Upon completion of the registration process for the use of services provided by the website, members have the responsibility to maintain confidentiality on the information provided during the registration process. The member is responsible for any circumstance arising from the use of the members user ID and password.
  • 3. While using any services, the member must not engage in any of the following:
    • A. Malicious use of membership information of other members.
    • B. Reproduction for any other purpose besides personal use, dissemination through print media or broadcast media, and dissemination to a third party, or information obtained through services without prior consent from the foundation.
    • C. Infringement of foundation copyrights, third party copyrights, and any other rights.
    • D. Damaging communications equipment or actions that compromise the security of data.
    • E. Actions that can be objectively linked to crime
    • F. Any actions that violate relevant laws or the terms of use set out by the foundation
  • 4. The information required for membership registration must be accurate. Also, members must maintain and update user information in order to ensure that it remains accurate. Members must not enable a third party to use their User ID and password.
  • 5. Members must not engage in any activity for the purpose of monetary gain without prior consent from the foundation's websites.
Article 13 Posts of Members
  • 1.The foundation may delete, without warning, any posts made by members if it is determined that any of the following applies:
    • A. Libel or defamation of another member or a third party
    • B. Violation of common decency or public order
    • C. Link to criminal activities
    • D. Infringement of copyrights or any other rights or the foundation or a third party
    • E. Failure to abide by posting dates as set by foundation
    • F. Dissemination of pornographic material or links to pornographic websites on the foundation's websites.
    • G. Violation of relevant laws
  • 2. The responsibility and rights concerning a post lies with the member who has made the post. The foundation may not use the post for profit other than reproduction within the website without consent from the member who has made the post. The limitations do not apply when the post is used for non-profit purposes.
  • 3. The foundation reserves the right to edit and/or move content posted on the foundation's websites without prior notice.
  • 4. Members may not use information on the website for commercial purposes, including modifying and selling the information.
  • 5. The member is solely responsible for any civil and criminal law penalties resulting from copyright infringements resulting from posts they create.
Article 14 Personal Data of Members Juveniles Under age 14
  • 1.In case of membership registration by a juvenile under the age of 14, the foundation must receive consent from a juvenile’s legal representative. The minimal amount of information necessary to obtain consent from the legal representative may be acquired from the juvenile without aforementioned consent. The foundation may deny membership to juveniles who have not obtained consent from their legal representatitves.
  • 2.The use and deletion of personal data of juveniles 14 and under requires consent from said juvenile’s legal representative, as in previous clause.
Article 15 Protection and Use of Personal Information
  • 1.During registration, the foundation collects the minimum amount of personal data necessary to provide membership services.
  • 2.When collecting personal data that enables the identification of a user, the foundation will obtain consent from the user. (Reading the terms of service and clicking “동의함” will constitute agreement to these terms of service.) The user may refuse thecollection and use of his/her personal data. However, in such case the user will be unable to register at the website and access the services of the National Museum Cultural Foundation.
  • The personal data will not be used or shared with a third party without the consent of the member except in accordance to the law or in the following cases. The user may refuse thecollection and use of his/her personal data. However, in such case the user will be unable to register at the website and access the services of the National Museum Cultural Foundation.
    • A. Delivery of promotional material, information, event results through e-mail, SMS/LMS/MMS, mail. (Only applicable for members who have agreed to receive promotional information)
    • B. Stipulation by law (personal data will not be shared even if an executive branch of government of investigative agency makes a request. Personal data will only be shared upon receival of a warrant or a form by the head of the organization, in accordance to the law)
    • C. Provision of information in a form that makes the individual member unidentifiable, for the purposes of statistical analysis, academic research, and market research.
  • 4. Any changes to the account by the member including termination of membership, access to personal data, and requests to change personal data are effective immediately upon completion of changes.
  • 5. Personal data is deleted immediately once the purpose of collecting the personal data is achieved. Personal data will stored, however, when it is necessary under commercial law and relevant laws.
Article 16 Management of Personal Information
Management, deletion, request for access, request for changes, and sharing with third parties of personal data will follow relevant laws and the foundation’s Personal Information Processing Policy.

Chapter 4 Payment

Article 17 Acceptable Payment Methods
  • 1.Members may use credit cards or wire transfers for payment. Acceptable payment methods may change depending on circumstance.
  • 2.Credit cards require the input of required information, which requires consent from the member.
  • 3.Wired transfers must be made to the foundation’s account using the member’s name. The foundation is not responsible for any damages resulting from inaccurate information input during payment, unless the user notifies the foundation.
Article 18 Reservation and Cancellation of Tickets
  • 1. The reservation, cancellation, and refund of performance tickets at the theater are outlined under “Ticket Reservations” at
  • 2. The purchase, exchange, and refund of products through the online cultural store of the foundation are outlined under “Sales Information” of

Chapter 5 Miscellanea

Article 19 Damages and Indemnification
  • 1. The foundation shall bear responsibility for any damages incurred by a member for which the foundation or an employee of the foundation is at fault. The foundation will remedy the damages in accordance with governing laws and established practices
  • 2. The foundation shall not bear responsibility for the following:
    • A. Inability to provide service as a result of natural disaster or unavoidable circumstance
    • B. Inconvenience in service use arising from the actions of the member or another member. The foundation shall regulate, as appropriate, inconveniences that result from the actions of other members.
    • C. Loss of expected returns as a result of a member’s inability to use service.
    • D. Losses resulting from the deletion of posts that a member has created.
  • 3. The foundation shall not be responsible for the trustworthiness or accuracy of facts of the information or documents that a member disseminates.
  • 4. Posts are not inherited by legal heirs upon the death of a member, unless specified by law.
Article 20 Governing Law
  • In case of legal action with regards to services, the court that has jurisdiction over the address where the foundation’s office is located shall be


(Enforcement Date) The Terms of Service are effective 10 February 2009.


(Enforcement Date) The Terms of Service are effective 6 February 2014


(Enforcement Date) The Terms of Service are effective 25 March 2016.